Abstracting the complexity of microgrids

It is not secret anymore, that the way we are using energy cause damage to our planet. In 2021 we expect to consume 40x energy compare to 1900. Due to the global warming we will demand 3x energy by 2050 compare today. To adjust to the new energy reality, organizations are under growing pressure to participate in the globalization effort reduce emission and avoid global warming. Over the past decades the cost of electricity distribution increased by 50% in the U.

Silent Cyber – What to look for

As the world continues to advance technologically, the number of cyber-attacks has increased at an alarming rate. A study done by Accenture and the Ponemon Institute, which researched 355 companies in 16 different industries, revealed that between 2014-2018 security breaches have increased by 67%, with an 11% increase in 2018 alone. On their third annual state of cyber resilience, Accenture and the Pnemone institute, found that 10.9% of organizations’ IT budget spent on cyber security, only 60% of the business ecosystem is protected by the cybersecurity program and 40% breaches reached out via this tour.

The Virginia Clean Energy Act

According to the US EIA (Energy Information Association), current Virginia’s energy production stand on 8.5GW. 53% from Natural Gas, 31% from nuclear power, 10% from coal fueled and nearly 7% from Renewable Energy (RE). On April 12, 2020 , Governor Ralph Northam signed the Virginia Clean Energy Act (VCEA), to accelerate Virginia’s transition to a clean energy environment. The VCEA sets Virginia on the path for being 100% carbon free by 2045.