is an independent view about the renewable energy transition started in the previous decade. is created by Ofer Haiat and independent financial expert in renewable energy with proven global experience in natural gas, geothermal , solar, wind and energy storage.

Ofer’s wide ranging career started with Israel Natural Gas lines, and governmental Israeli company who was in charge of the design , construction and operation of the high pressure infrastructure of natural gas , following the substantial foundings started late century and continued into early 2000’s. Among his roles , Ofer was responsible for the company taarif set by the government and created a cross continent financial transaction to support the financing needs of the infrastructure construction through international financial institutes.

After his journey in INGL Ofer joined Ormat Technologies (ORA) where he led the economics departments, creating cross organization processes to improve the financial budget and forecast performance. In addition he led the company’s global insurance portfolio through engaging the London and Houston market and dealt with significant and complex insurance claims.

In 2017 , Ofer joined Viridity Energy Solutions, a subsidiary of Ormat, as their CFO , based in Philadelphia, PA , where he led the merger with Ormat and took the company transition into the energy storage market in North America through strategic plan and concentration in the utility scale stand alone energy storage projects in selected ISO/RTO’s in North America.

Since 2022 , Ofer has been acting as the CFO of Doral Europe , leading the financial and operational needs of the company in Europe.

NRG.FYI created to be a place where energy stake holders (consumers, developers, financiers, off-takers and more) can join and use ideas and thoughts about the energy transition process, its innovations , news and developments.

All opinions and other content in the blog should be seen as a recommendation for investment or any other action.